Category: ACT / Canberra

  • 2005 • Australian War Memorial Heritage Strategy

    THIS PROJECT INVOLVED THE PREPARATION OF A BRIEF FOR THE THE AWM ‘s HERITAGE STRATEGY AND IN GUIDING THE AWM IN PROCUREMENT OF THE STRATEGY.. FROM 2005 & CURRENT. The AWM is a Memorial / Museum / Gallery and Library. It is also Canberra’s premier tourist destination.Peter Freeman Pty Ltd have had an ongoing consultancy…

  • 2006 • Civic Square Canberra CMP

    PREPARATION OF A CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CIVIC SQUARE IN CIVIC CANBERRA 2006 The Civic Square and the adjacent building complex were designed and built in the 1960s to create a world class community and arts venue. The Plan proposed the retrieval of the significance of the Square and guidelines for management and conservation.

  • 2006 • Albert Hall Precinct Canberra

    PREPARATION OF A HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE ALBERT HALL HERITAGE PRECINCT CANBERRA 2005 TO 2006 The ALBERT HALL HERITAGE PRECINCT in Canberra is of National Heritage significance for its associations with the first years of the Federal Capital, and for the national events that tok place within the Hall, and for the associations with…

  • 2008 • CSIRO Plant Phenomics Building Black Mountain ACT SoHI

    PREPARATION OF A STATEMENT OF HERITAGE IMPACT FOR THE CSIRO PLANT PHENOMICS BUILDING An Heritage Impact Assessment [HIA] was prepared at the request of S2F Architects Pty Ltd, consultants to the CSIRO Black Mountain, for the National Phenomics High Resolution Centre project, which was to be developed at the former Phytotron building within the CSIRO…

  • 2009 • Telopea Park School ACT CMP

    2009 • Telopea Park School ACT CMP

    PREPARATION OF A CMP FOR THE TELOPEA PARK SCHOOL PRECINCT IN THE ACT The Conservation Management Plan was undertaken to guide conservation and future use of the School and its precinct. As a consequence of proposed minor works to Telopea Park School a Heritage Impact Assessment [HIA], was also prepared, which was a companion document…

  • 2009-2011 • CSIRO Westridge House Yarralumla ACT HMP

    PREPARATION OF A HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN + REFERRAL FOR THE WESTRIDGE HOUSE PRECINCT YARRALUMLA ACT CSIRO proposed the divestment of the Westridge House property, and thus required an updated Heritage Management Plan for the Westridge House precinct exclusively, such that the Plan could be provided to the Department responsible for administering the EPBC Act, for…

  • 2011 • The Architects of Albert Hall Canberra

    2011 • The Architects of Albert Hall Canberra

    A TALK ABOUT THE ARCHITECTS RESPONSIBLE FOR CANBERRA’S ALBERT HALL Early in 1926, the Chairman of the Federal Capital Commission, John Henry Butters wrote a memorandum to the Rt. Hon. G F Pearce, Minister for Home and Territories, regarding the need for a new Assembly Hall in Canberra. Butters envisaged a hall equivalent to the…

  • 2011 • Grant Crescent Griffith ACT Options Study

    ADVICE AND OPTIONS REPORT FOR A GRANT CRESCENT GRIFFITH ACT PROPERTY This advice and options report was prepared in response to a brief from the owners Richard and Meredith Highfield. The advice relates to the architectural and heritage values of the Grant Crescent property, to its current condition and setting, and provides recommendations about potential…

  • 2006-2011 • Civic Square Precinct Final CMP

    2006-2011 • Civic Square Precinct Final CMP

    FINALISATION OF THE CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE CIVIC SQUARE PRECINCT IN CIVIC ACT 2006-2011 With the completion of the 2006 draft final Conservation Management Plan for the precinct [see earlier post], further extensive comment was received from the Civic Square stakeholders, however incorporation of this additional comment and information into the draft final Plan…

  • 2011 • City Hill / Northbourne Avenue Precinct Master Plan ACT

    2011 • City Hill / Northbourne Avenue Precinct Master Plan ACT

    STATEMENT OF HERITAGE IMPACT OF AN URBAN DESIGN RESPONSE FOR THE PUBLIC REALM OF NORTHBOURNE AVENUE AND CITY HILL IN CANBERRA CITY The purpose of the master plan was to provide a comprehensive urban design response for the public realm of Northbourne Avenue and City Hill in Canberra City. In order to appropriately respond to the…