Category: ACT / Canberra

  • 1995 • Central Area National Heritage Heritage Study

    CENTRAL NATIONAL AREA HERITAGE & ENVIRONMENT STUDY FOR NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING AUTHORITY – 1995 Preparation of a Heritage & Environment Study for the National Capital Planning Authority, as part of a design study for the Central National Area.The Heritage & Environment Study involved a re-evaluation and reassessment of the cultural and natural heritage of the…

  • 1996 • Malcolm Moir & Heather Sutherland Citations

    LIFE AND WORK AND CITATIONS TO THE REGISTER OF SIGNIFICANT 20TH CENTURY ARCHITECTURE FOR RAIA [ACT] AND ACT HERITAGE UNIT – 1996 Preparation of an overview of the life and work of the Canberra architect Malcolm J. Moir, who practised from the 1930s until the 1960s in his own right, with his wife, architect Heather…

  • 1999 • Cameron Offices Refurbishment Proposal

    REFURBISHMENT PROPOSAL & HERITAGE REVIEW FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION – 1999 A refurbishment proposal for the Cameron Offices in Beloconnen. This involved the investigation of the heritage issues associated with the Offices and the development of strategies to refurbish the Offices to Grade A standard.

  • 1996 • Kingston Foreshore Cultural Mapping Project

    KINGSTON FORESHORE SITE CULTURAL MAPPING STUDY FOR THE INTERIM KINGSTON FORESHORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY – 1996 The Cultural Mapping Study followed on from the 1993 Conservation Management Plan prepared for the precinct and was intended to identify the constraints and opportunities surrounding development of the Powerhouse and the adjacent foreshore areas. The study was one of…

  • 1996 • Commonwealth Owned Heritage Properties Study

    COMMITTEE OF REVIEW : COMMONWEALTH OWNED HERITAGE PROPERTIES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION & THE ARTS – 1996 The consultancy was managed by Peter Freeman Pty Ltd and was required to consider and make recommendations on a cohesive strategy for the identification, maintenance, use and disposal of Commonwealth owned heritage properties.

  • 2000 • Inaugural ACT Heritage Advisor

    ACT Heritage Advisor for the ACT Government – 2000 Undertaking of the inaugural ACT Heritage Advisory consultancy in partnership with Freeman Leeson Architects to provide an advisory service to the ACT community on heritage matters; and to promote and initiate heritage programs in the ACT.

  • 2000 • The Lodge Canberra CMP

    THE LODGE, CANBERRA CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENT TRUST. 1999 – 2000 Preparation of a Conservation Management Plan for The Lodge, in order to provide guidance on future conservation management directions. Co-consultancy with Dr Lenore Coltheart, Historian.

  • 2005 • Kings Park Canberra Management Plan

    PREPARATION OF A MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR KINGS PARK IN THE PARLIAMENTARY TRIANGLE OF CANBERRA FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL AUTHORITY [NCA] In 2005 the NCA commissioned Peter Freeman Pty Ltd to prepare a Heritage Management Plan for Kings Park, an informal Park area within the Parliamentary Triangle. The Park was designed by Richard Clough [NCDC] and…

  • 2002 • Old Parliament House Canberra • Roof study

    2002 • Old Parliament House Canberra • Roof study

    THE OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE: NORTH WING ROOF & ASSOCIATED AREAS HERITAGE ASSESSMENT This Assessment responded to a Brief prepared by DoCITA, and required the acquittal of the following tasks: Develop heritage assessments, and provide advice in relation to the upgrading of the North Wing roof and associated works at Old Parliament House, informed by the…

  • 2002 • Old Parliament House Canberra • Roof study

    PREPARATION OF A CONSERVATION ASSESSMENT AND PLAN FOR THE OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE ROOF 2002 TO 2003 The OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE now houses a variety of uses, however the roof of the House has been modified many times since its construction in 1927. This Plan and Study for the DoCITA and OPH was prepared in 2002…